Two of Canada's top authorities in their fields, gardening expert Frankie Flowers and alternative medicine expert Bryce Wylde, show readers how they can harness the powerful healing of plants simply and inexpensively by stepping into their garden.
Easy instructions lead readers from planting to harvest, to how to put the plants to work fighting everything from constipation to heartburn, high blood sugar to bad breakouts.
Discover natural ways to treat headaches, coughs, colds, hangovers, and more that don't carry the same risk of side effects that many pharmaceuticals do.
Learn to make 150 different herbal remedies designed to help treat 75 different health issues.
Complete guides to collecting the right cookware, herb safety, and more.
Dr. Lad first explains the principles behind the science of Ayurveda and then helps you to begin your journey to the ultimate "state of balance" and well-being.
Full-color guide offers detailed and easy-to-follow instructions for making and using approximately 250 all-natural DIY herbal medicines.
Advice on herbal preparations for 100+ illnesses and conditions.
Covers: best dosage form for each category of herb; how to harvest, dry, and use fresh herbs; extractions; preparations; herbal insights and need-to-know wisdom.
Explains how adaptogens increase the body’s resistance to adverse influences, increase energy and stamina, and counter the effects of age and stress on the body.
Includes a Materia Medica with monographs covering 25 adaptogens, including eleuthero, ginseng, rhodiola, schisandra, ashwagandha, licorice, shatavari, reishi, and holy basil, as well as complementary nervines, restorative tonics, and nootropics.
This book has helped millions of people heal from ailments that have been misdiagnosed or ineffectively treated or that doctors can't resolve on their own.
It gets to the root of people's pain or illness and what they need to do to restore their health now.
Discover the reasons we suffer and how to finally heal from more than two dozen common conditions including ADHD, autism, brain fog, migraines, Lupus, Lyme disease, and more.